Safe Hands – And How To Find Them

In my professional opinion selecting someone to carry out your facial aesthetics procedures is as important as selecting a life partner.

That’s a big, bold statement to make, I know, but I believe you should never underestimate the importance of getting it right when it comes to the person you’re entrusting to make aesthetic changes – and hopefully enhancements at that – to your face or body.

So whenever I have time to flick through the newspapers these are headlines that strike fear in me…


“Patients put at risk over Botox jabs” and “‘Aesthetics consultant’ who offered me treatment minutes after we met”.

The words scream out why, why why?

Why would anyone put himself or herself at risk over such an important decision?

Why would you allow someone to invade your personal space and then carry out a procedure, which involves needles without fully checking out their credentials and experience?

Why would you compromise on safety, expertise and experience all to save a few pounds?

The headlines to which I refer appeared in articles in The Times in December and, to me, underline the importance of carefully selecting your aesthetics practitioner.

For me, the criteria should be straightforward. Select a fully qualified medical doctor who can demonstrate expertise and experience in his field of cosmetic work and who carries out procedures in appropriate surroundings.

Of course I appreciate there will be factors that make some people sway from the all-important mantra I’ve just stated.

Peer pressure can come into play.

“Oh, my friend gets it done so much cheaper elsewhere so I’m going there.”

“My aunt has her Botox done and the person comes to her house and it’s all done in less than 15 minutes. Oh, she only pays £xxx for it too.”

Sounds appealing to you? Sounds scary to me!

dr-bongThere’s a play on an old adage – Cheap is not always cheerful” and I agree 100%.

I will often hear my receptionists almost justifying my fees for Botox by explaining that the caller isn’t comparing ‘like for like’. Yes, the lesser-qualified and lesser experienced may well be charging 10% or 20% less but there’s a reason for that.

I truly believe you pay for what you get. My patients get first-class treatment administered by me who is a fully qualified medical doctor who not only has extensive experience and expertise in his field but whose technique and skills are sought after by fellow doctors and surgeons the world over. I’m often referred to as “Master of Contouring” which, while hugely flattering, isn’t as important as the label of Doctor for which I extensively studied and work hard to retain on a yearly basis, thanks to the General Medical Council rules and regulations.

dr-bong-at-workI’d always encourage patients to have their treatments carried out by a doctor whose full time role is in cosmetic medicine – and not by a mobile injector as I refer to the alternative. By that I mean a practitioner who perhaps performs Botox as a sideline, a revenue spinner or even a hobby.

Like anyone you’d want the best so stick to the best and opt for a doctor whose track record in his field speaks volumes. Do your Google research. Check out patient testimonials. Check out the reviews by patients – their feedback can speak volumes.

dr-bong-operatingOnce you’ve selected make sure your chosen practitioner carries out a full, in-depth consultation during which he or she amasses as much information about you, your medical background and, of course, your aims and aspirations for the treatment being undertaken.

It’s worth expanding on the headline “‘Aesthetics consultant’ who offered me treatment minutes after we met”.

The article highlighted the many ‘practitioners’ who give themselves fancy titles, which in my view serve to confuse the public.

The piece spoke of the treatment being carried out in the back room of a beauty salon in Islington with patients walking in off the street and being injected within minutes. Consent forms weren’t always signed, ID wasn’t necessarily shown and the treatments were offered at ‘cut price’.


The article further revealed details of one man – known as an ‘aesthetics consultant’ – whose colleagues also referred to him as a ‘qualified doctor’. There was no mention of this chap on the medical register and when confronted he said the beauticians who labelled him a ‘doctor’ were mistaken.

General Medical Council regulations state clearly the guidelines regarding the prescribing of Botox. Doctors should have ‘first-hand experience of the patient before they can prescribe”.

That means – in my clinic – the patient should be properly examined during a proper consultation and full consent explained and given.

So summing up, the message is simple. Stuck to a bona fide doctor. Choose one that carries out aesthetics treatments on a full-time basis and fully check out his or her experience and expertise. Only then you’ll know you’re in safe hands.

About Essence Medical Clinic :
Essence Medical is Scotland’s leading cosmetic clinic. Dr Kieren Bong is an internationally recognised expert in advanced facial aesthetics treatments. We offer Botox Glasgow, cosmetic surgery Glasgow, advanced dermal fillers treatments, chemical skin peel, lip enhancement, dermaroller, and non-surgical liquid face lift.

This article originally published at Essence Medical Cosmetic Clinic Blog here

Diet Tips That Will Revitalise Your Skin

Getting back that youthful look to your skin doesn’t always require you having to visit your local cosmetic clinic. By making some subtle changes to your diet, you can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and bring out the glow from your younger days.

The great thing about following these steps isn’t just about looking younger, they also promote a healthier and more balanced diet. You’ll look better, and feel better!

Below we’ll take a look at five foods and drinks that’ll promote a healthier and younger looking you.

Dark Berries

Dark berries naturally promote smooth and healthy skin. Not only are they full of skin clearing antioxidants which are great for your immune system, they are also high in fibre which helps the digestive process.

These berries are a fantastic choice for adding extra flavour to your cereal in the morning, or why not toss them in a salad during lunch? There’re plenty of different meals where these berries can fit right in.


Fish is a staple food of any healthy skin diet. It provides many natural and healthy oils that are good for the skin without clogging pores.

It’s a common misconception that going on a diet means cutting out most fats, when in actuality your skin needs certain fats to stay in good condition.

One tasty way to take in these healthy fats is by eating salmon. Salmon can be prepared in a variety of different and can compliment many different dishes, making it an extremely convenient food for promoting healthy skin.


An everyday essential that commonly goes without praise. Simply by cutting out fizzy drinks and sticking to water, you can make a significant difference to the look and feel of your skin. You’d be surprised with the results you can get from simply increasing your water intake.

Staying hydrated keeps the skin plump and youthful. Not only will more water benefit your skin, you’re also more likely to lose weight more easily as a bonus. The calories you take in from what you drink all adds up, probably up to a higher number that you may think!

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes supply you with a healthy and generous dose of vitamin A, the main ingredient used in most premium anti-ageing skincare products. Not to mention they taste delicious and can be added to almost any dish.

Try cutting them up and baking them into fries for a tasty snack. Or why not mash them up and have them as a side during dinner time? Sweet potato will become your new favourite side-dish before you know it.


Broccoli is known as a ‘super’ vegetable, containing a range of different vitamins that all add to healthiness and appearance of your skin. These vitamins also play a part in fixing damaged tissue and supporting the healing process when necessary, so they are definitely an important part of any healthy skin diet.

To get the most out of your broccoli, eat them raw alongside a salad, as some cooking methods like boiling can strip away some of the valuable vitamins and the unique flavour. However, you could also steam your broccoli, which is a great way to cook broccoli without draining them of their healthy skin benefits.

Another Step Towards a Healthier & Younger Look

By incorporating these food and drink tips into a balanced diet, you should really begin to see some amazing benefits in the look and feel of your skin over time.

The key is consistency, so keeping this up for the long-term won’t just having you looking better, you’ll feel better as well.

If you’re thinking about receiving botox treatment, get in touch with Botox Glasgow’s recommended botox clinic, Essence Medical. Dr Bong, our industry famous cosmetic doctor, carries out Essence Medical botox treatments, skin clinic Glasgow and cosmetic surgery Glasgow, so you can relax knowing you are in very capable hands.

This article originally published at Essence Medical Blog here

The Basic Facts of Cosmetic Surgery

The health and beauty industry is one that offers a range of different products and treatments, including cosmetic surgery; Glasgow has become one of the cities in the UK that has become one of the major providers of advice in this area. Cosmetic surgery can be a scary proposition when you first consider it, but many people will testify that their quality of life improved dramatically once they took the plunge and sought further information for themselves. Obviously many varied types of surgery are on offer. One of the most popular procedures is breast augmentation surgery, which involves enlarging or altering the shape of the breast with the use of implants. A couple of decades ago this was a fairly rare surgery to be performed but nowadays more and more females are seeking further advice and considering this option for themselves.

Cosmetic Surgery

A basic overview of the treatments on offer deals with hundreds of enquiries weekly from potential surgery candidates who wish to have their questions and concerns answered before booking their procedure. One of the most common questions posed is how long the recovery period is for various surgeries. We all seem to lead increasingly busy lives these days and so for many people the idea of being unable to perform their usual routine poses a problem, particularly if they have a demanding family or work life to contend with. The recovery period required varies depending on the type of procedure you are having. If you are having a type of non-surgical treatment then the recovery time can be as little as a few hours. If you are considering a larger operation then you should bear in mind that the recovery period could be a number of weeks. The recovery period is an important time and contributes greatly towards the success of your chosen surgery. Although it might be tempting to get yourself up and around quicker than advised you should consider that surgery scars require time to heal and the less disturbance they encounter the better.

Results without the need for surgery

If you do not feel you are able to commit to a long recovery time then you should instead consider having one of the many procedures that does not require such a long period of resting afterwards. One of the most popular of these types of surgery is laser lipo; Glasgow lipo clinics helps a large number of people each year to achieve the results they desire and feel more comfortable in their outward appearance. When considering any type of surgery make sure you take all the necessary steps to get yourself as educated about the process as possible. Do not worry that you might be asking too many questions in your consultation, as you can never be too prepared when considering elective surgery. If you do decide to proceed with a surgery or treatment then you should consider if you are going to make other people aware of your decision. Often, a patient will tell their closest family members and partner but will wait until after their operation to tell other people. are here to give you all the information you may need on laser lipo Glasgow surgery and help put your mind at rest.

Facial Skin Care and Cosmetic Surgery Techniques

Facial skin care is one of the hottest topics that are being discussed at the moment; both men and women have their own set of concerns and their own skin care routines that they tend to follow. It is often worth ensuring that you make regular changes to your skin care routine in order to get the best results from it. If you do not vary your routine or the products that you are using you run the risk of losing the benefits of the products as your skin can often become accustomed to it. If you are looking for a further improvement then you might wish to consider cosmetic surgery; Glasgow is just one of the cities in the UK that offer treatments and procedures to help improve the appearance of your skin.

Facial Skin Care and Cosmetic Surgery Techniques

Where to go for further advice and guidance

One of the best places to go for further advice is a skin clinic. Glasgow, as well as other major cities have a variety of different options available to you. Visiting a skin clinic will be hugely beneficial if you are looking for further information or wish to discuss any concerns you may have a professional. At the clinic, you will be able to have your skin analysed so that they can determine the type of skin you have and what particular nutrients you may be lacking. There are several different types of facial skin and each come with their own set of requirements in order to maintain a clean and youthful appearance. Once your skin type has been diagnosed, they will be able to advise you on any remedies or treatments that you may find beneficial. Of course, you will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding any potential procedure you are contemplating having. Considering any type of facial treatment can be a big decision and so it is important you get all the information you feel you need in order to make an informed choice.

Consider non-invasive treatments for fantastic results

Facial treatments do not have to be a scary proposition. There is a huge selection of different treatments available and one of the most popular procedures is a skin peel; Glasgow is just one of the cities that have seen a rise in the number of men and women opting to have this performed. If you have never heard of a skin peel then do not worry; they are not as painful as they may sound! Essentially a skin peel helps to transform the appearance of your skin by removing any old skin cells that you may have on your face. Normal cleansing, although great for your skin, is not necessarily enough on its own to provide a transformative look. A skin peel is a chemical treatment that is applied to the skin. After you wear the peel for a bit of time, it is then carefully removed your face and a new layer of skin is revealed underneath. Although this may sound like an invasive procedure, it is usually very comfortable and provides instance results.

Essence Medial has the latest information regarding cosmetic surgery Glasgow and skin peel Glasgow to help you do the research you need.

Making the Right Decision for You

There are many reasons why it is important to properly consider the factors involved in cosmetic surgery; Glasgow surgeons are there to answer any queries you might have and to provide further information in an informative and professional manner. You should not feel hesitant about seeking extra advice, as it is important to make an informed choice and be aware of all possible results. Cosmetic surgery has come a long way in the last few decades and is something that is considered by many men and women throughout their lifetime. It used to be considered quite a dangerous and costly affair but this has changed in recent years; it is actually now more affordable than ever and there are a number of people making the decision to alter their appearance and gain increased confidence.

Making the Right Decision for You

When you visit a skin clinic

There is nothing that can help you more in assisting you to reach your decision than a visit to a skin clinic; Glasgow skin clinics are notorious for providing the latest information and everything you need to know about your chosen procedure. Do not be afraid of asking a question that you feel might have an obvious answer as that is exactly what your surgeon is there for; there is lots of information that you may need to help you to decide on the correct treatment for you. It may be that you will need an additional consultation in order to be able to adequately satisfy your thirst for knowledge.

Facing your fears

The facial area can be one of the aspects of a person’s appearance that they are most critical about. In this day and age, we are bombarded constantly with treatments and products that promise to help alleviate that signs of aging and, in certain cases, even reverse them. Of course, many people wish that they could look younger and more refreshed in their day-to-day life and so consider the option of facial surgery; Glasgow is a hotbed of information for those seeking the secrets to a more youthful appearance.  An appointment can be made easily by getting in touch with your chosen surgery and expressing your interest in learning more.

The importance of good aftercare

As any surgeon will tell you, there is nothing more critical to a patient’s happiness than receiving a high level of aftercare post-surgery. With all cosmetic surgeries, there is a certain time frame where the healing process is at its most optimum and the patient should be ensuring they are resting and taking as much care of themselves as possible. Any surgery, elective or non-elective, carries a certain amount of risk but this will be discussed with you by your surgeon in detail to ensure you are perfectly aware of your decision. You should ensure you go into any surgery only when feeling healthy; people with a good level of health tend to find that they take far less time to recover than a patient in poor health. One of the benefits of being healthy is being able to quickly get back on your feet and to start enjoying your improved confidence.

Skin Treatments and Procedures

One of the most popular topics on many people’s minds is how to keep a youthful appearance as time goes on. The skincare and cosmetic surgery industry is one that generates multi-millions and generates a lot of interest amongst consumers. One of the most popular topics of conversation is surrounding the use and application of Botox; Glasgow has seen a rise in the number of people seeking out this type of skin care procedure and many people are seeing the benefits that these treatments can bring for themselves.

Skin Treatments and Procedures

A non-permanent solution

One of the reasons that Botox has come to prominence in recent years is the exposure it has had in the press and media thanks to celebrities who openly talk about their experiences with it. Botox is another type of non-surgical cosmetic surgery; Glasgow clinics have seen an increase in enquiries for treatment. Treatment can be arranged quickly and easily; a consultation is the first step towards getting more information and it is at the consultation stage that further questions can be asked and answers will be provided

No need for nerves

You do not need to be nervous or hesitant about booking a consultation at a skin clinic; Glasgow has many surgeries where the latest information and advice can be given in a relaxing and non-pressured atmosphere. If you are considering a procedure for yourself you will no doubt have many questions that you wish to be answered. Most of the queries from enquiring patients centre on whether the treatment they are seeking will be painful and how on the approximate recovery time is. All of these questions and more should be addressed with your surgeon prior to the operating stage.

A costly affair?

Of course, the price for cosmetic surgery procedures varies depending on what type of treatment you are seeking. Typically, non-surgical treatments are less expensive as the results are only temporary. If you wish the treatment to have a more permanent effect then this can be achieved by having top up treatments. This gives you the flexibility to only have the treatment when you wish and to budget accordingly. Most surgeries offer payment plans for whatever type of treatment you choose; this means the benefits can be enjoyed sooner rather than later and the payments can be spread over a period of time in order to help you afford it.

Factors to be considered

If you choose a type of treatment that is non-invasive and does not require surgery then this can be administered in one day and usually without the need for you to be required to stay overnight. If you were to choose a procedure that requires surgery then there is a requirement for you to have a rest period in order for you to heal and for your body to adjust. Usually the results cannot be adequately judged whilst you are in the recovery stage as you may be swollen and so it is not possible to fully see the finished results. There are many places you can get further information on cosmetic surgery online. Some potential patients like to get feedback from other patients who have had a similar treatment.

The Art and Importance of Skincare

It seems there has never been more demand for information on changing your image with cosmetic surgery; Glasgow is one of the main centres of information and surgeries for those considering having a procedure performed. Cosmetic surgery has been around for decade and is gaining popularity amongst men and women who are keen to feel more confident in their appearance. Skin care has always been an issue to many, but there has never before been such an advanced type of dermal fillers; Glasgow surgeries offer some of the best advice and latest techniques to help keep skin care troubles at bay.

The Art and Importance of Skincare

Get more information for an informed decision

There can be nothing more important in your search for information than visiting a specialist skin clinic; Glasgow offers some of the leading surgeries that can offer further guidance on any questions that you might have. The types of surgery and procedures that are offer can be very varied. One of the most popular procedures involves using dermal fillers; Glasgow caters for those needing information by providing expert advice in many ways.

General care for your skin

Pollutants that we encounter in everyday life can be very harmful to your skin if you do not take the adequate steps to protect yourself from over-exposure to them. These pollutants can include the bad air that is often found in built up areas due to lots of traffic and industrial businesses. Your skin can be affected in a number of ways and often you need a helping hand in order to be able to regain a youthful look. You can help to protect your skin from suffering by always remembering to cleanse your face each day. This ensures your skin remains clean and will help to combat any harmful pollution

Skin care versus cosmetics

Ask most women of they feel more confident when wearing make-up and most of them are guaranteed to answer positively. The real secret to improving your confidence however is not to rely on make-up to cover any imperfections you feel you may have. Real security can be achieved when being happy in your skin without camouflage and there are ranges of options available that can help you feel overall more comfortable in the appearance of your facial features with or without the aid of cosmetic additions. It can be a very freeing feeling to feel more openly confident without worrying about the appearance of your make-up.

The lowdown on dermal fillers

Dermal fillers are fast becoming one of the most popular topics for discussion in skin care clinics around the world. This enhancement can be used in several areas to provide an uplifting and youthful effect for either a total transformation or a subtle refreshing effect. Further information can be found easily that will help you to decide if this option is one for you to consider. Cosmetic surgery should be researched properly before a decision is made and the wealth of information that is available will make this easily achievable.

Get Gorgeous In Absolutely No Time

Beauty gives you many benefits. It does not only fetch you the following and recognition in the world and but greatly helps in building the confidence in the people. Every person in the world is a beautiful person and every imperfection is a unique sign of beauty. But, with some little alterations, people can add up to their beauty and avail lots of benefits.


Why you need the cosmetic surgeries?

Nothing is perfect in the world and everything has some defects. But fortunately one can clear the defects with some little efforts like cosmetic surgery Glasgow etc. Here are the reasons that why you need them:

1. To become more beautiful than the present state
2. To clear the minute defects that are present
3. Helps you to look younger than what you are
4. Makes you more attractive and adds to your beauty
5. Offers you a professional treatment
6. Offers you a well certified and safe treatment
7. Helps to increase your confidence levels
8. No more worries of hiding while in the crowd
9. Enlightens your life as well as your career by blessing you a beautiful skin

What are the causes of the skin issues?

There are no specific reasons that cause the skin damage. Instead, there are many reasons that cause the skin issues. Here are some of them.

1. As you become old, the skin may become old and get wrinkles. This is purely due to age.
2. Lack of proper maintenance can even lead to skin damage
3. Some accidental or natural factors may cause some skin damages and may press the need for a skin clinic Glasgow
4. Some factors are highly unavoidable and pretty natural. For instance, hair in some parts of the body like underarms is quite natural and this can be removed using some laser treatments permanently also
5. Some hormonal imbalances may lead to the unwanted facial hair and some other beauty related issues etc.
6. Some people may have some specific health concerns that cause the skin disorders in them.
7. Sometimes, the beauty issues may even be due to some natural reasons

What’s such special with botox Glasgow?

One needs to find out a better option to undertake the cosmetic treatment. Here are some of the benefits of undertaking treatment at best clinics.

1. You can get highly professional service
2. Your skin issues will be resolved in very short span of time
3. You can get best in class treatment which meets the global standards
4. You will be priced in a pretty reasonable manner
5. You will be treated with highly safe and approved treatments
6. You can find a one stop solution to all your skin issues